Science to be unforgiving dictator for mine hearings

People ask, why the drumming? Psychologically speaking, studies show that the constant rhythmic sound calms infants in nurseries.


People ask, why the drumming?

Psychologically speaking, studies show that the constant rhythmic sound calms infants in nurseries. Why? Because it mimics a mother’s heart beat.

The practise is found worldwide in all early cultures. Generically it represents unification and the heart of a community.

Which seems odd how some people make an issue out of it where there’s real issues that need to be addressed.

Who has the right to use the resources of Fish Lake? Mining companies? The Shushwap? The Chilcotin people? Provincial government? The feds?

Fact is, people often get caught up in mining P.R. and confuse that with the actual economics. Just look at the market. Gold has bottomed out, the bubble has burst.

Investors flee due to an influx of gold.

Today there are 70 gold and copper mines vying to get permission to open up in B.C. alone this year. Many of them don’t have the same sensitive issues of Fish Lake and are less expensive nor as much as a gamble financially.

God I wish people would do their research and not be blinded by propaganda as data isn’t hard to find.

The silly childlike arguments that the Shushwap have more of a right is moot as land claims start when the B.C. government formed. During that time, the Chilcotin had overlapping shared borders anyway.

Critics of the new mine say it’s actually worse than the original by destroying both Fish Lake and Little Fish Lake in the long run due to the fractured rock strata, never mind the fact that it’s still far too close to fish bearing headwaters, grizzly and wild horse habitat.

Let’s also not forget about the micro dust particles of carcinogens polluting the local fauna and community of people who live in the area.

So it doesn’t matter how many people vote for or against the mine. It doesn’t matter how many politicians are for or against the project. It doesn’t matter whether the people of Williams Lake support the project or not.

Science isn’t a democracy, it’s an unforgiving dictator.

Andrew Merritt

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune