Scientists, former MP likely have facts straight

Writer tends to believe marine scientists working in the field

Re: Flushing our sewage far from an ideal situation (Letters, Oct. 12)

I would be interested to know what Tyler Ahlgren’s background is on this issue, as everything I have heard from marine scientists suggests that Victoria’s current sewage system is adequate and that adding secondary treatment would not lead to a significant improvement in water quality.

Primary and secondary treatment facilities are designed to remove solids as well as organic matter and are not particularly effective at removing nutrients and most other chemicals. I am curious to know what the “chemicals of concern” are that are 98 per cent removed.

Several of the communities mentioned in the article do not have good flushing into a large body of water (Sidney, Port Townsend, Sequim, Salt Spring).

There is also a big difference in scale for Sooke (serving around 4,000 families). David Anderson is someone who I know cares very deeply about our environment and I am inclined to think he has his facts straight.

Mike Anderson


Victoria News