Scrap mill funding, says this writer

Listen to the taxpayers and stop throwing money at McLean Mill, says Alberni resident.

To the Editor,

After all the citizen action and letters, with a good turnout at the polls, to throw out the old and in with a new forward out of the box thinking council, they kick it all back in the taxpayer’s face.

A committee group to study McLean’s Mill, well at least it’s not money squandered on a consultant’s report. But the message was clear: the taxpayers voted to stop shovelling hard earned cash into the money sucking pit known as McLean Mill.

What has it been, $8 to $10 million, just evaporated into the forest? It hasn’t even slowed down the tourists racing through town on their way to Tofino and Ucluelet.

That money would have paid for the elusive 10th Avenue bridge and maintenance work so Third Avenue wouldn’t have flooded, for signs and more advertisements telling the world Port Alberni is here; the new swimming pool everyone talks about and more.

Imagine the multitude of improvement and benefits to the city as a whole that could have happened with that money.

I hope council wastes no more time, effort or money on a failed adventure. Respect the taxpayers’ vote: scrap the mill funding immediately.

Frank Hands,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News