Scrapping parking fees good for parks

Premier Christy Clark is to be commended for scrapping the ridiculous parking charges introduced by our MLA, Barry Penner, when he was Minister of Parks. His revenue projection back then was based on the foolish notion that everyone would continue to visit parks and happily pay the parking fees. What folly.

It was the Harrison Board of Trade who developed Greenpoint as a destination beauty spot which later grew into 3,000-acre Sasquatch Park. Since the parking charge was imposed,  the park has been grossly under-utilised and Harrison Beach has been swamped with large family picnics because people resent being charged for accessing their parks. We Harrison taxpayers have been stuck with the cost of this invasion while BC Parks saves money on maintenance, toilets, garbage etc.

Harrison needs to launch a major advertising campaign to let visitors know that Greenpoint is now free again so that the fully-provisioned tribes of picnickers can get back to enjoying that lovely place instead of dominating our foreshore.

John Allen

Harrison Hot Springs

Agassiz Observer