Sculpturewalk a treat – Editorial by Craig Lindsay

Editorial from Craig Lindsay as it appears in the Nov. 8, 2012 Castlegar News.

For those in attendance at the Castlegar Sculpturewalk Gala at the Element on Saturday, you saw some and met some of the great creative minds of not only our region but possibly the province and beyond.

An event like Sculpturewalk brings people together and allows a chance for local citizens, as well as tourists, to view great sculptures and vote on their favourite.

The top pick, “Patient Hunter” was a definite worthy selection, and the artists, James Karthein and Kevin Kratz, were understandably overjoyed at winning.

Sculpturewalk committee members also showed off a 3D scale model of the first winning piece. One could foresee a day, not too far away, when people can purchase smaller models such as keychains.

Of course, being at the gala also means getting to mingle and talk with old friends and new friends.

I was able to touch base with an old hockey teammate (Paul Reimer) from Cranbrook who came over for the event. Reimer’s piece is the open book that lies outside the library. It’s good to hear he’s still playing hockey.

Unfortunately, contrast that good will and community bonding with the nasty streak of vandalism Castlegar saw over Halloween.

One hundred and two calls for the RCMP is way too much for one week. Let’s hope our sleepy borough stays that way and things quiet down.

Castlegar News