Search and rescue volunteers deserve our appreciation

Just a note to say thanks to all the unsung heroes of search and rescue among us.

Just a note to say thanks to all the unsung heroes of search and rescue among us.

One of my coworkers, and friend, was called out last week to search, that sadly ended tragically.

When we saw him back at work Monday, we could see he was visibly shaken by the event.

It then hit me, it’s not only endless hours of personal time, training and searching. But it’s just as much physical, and more important, emotional energy these brave heroes use up.

These are the quiet heroes among us; they don’t complain and never brag.

But they are there, in the cold nights, hot summer days, giving of their own time.

We hope we never need them, but sure are grateful they are there if we do.

So thank you, all you great men and women of search and rescue!


Jill Hodgson

Chilliwack Progress