Seaweed harvest

The comments by the Ministry of Agriculture on this harvest can only be described as pathetic.

This is in response to the article on the so-called seaweed harvest by reporter Candace Wu in the Jan. 23 edition of The NEWS.

The comments by the Ministry of Agriculture on this harvest can only be described as pathetic. Gary Caine speaking for the government totally dismisses the research done by four well-respected scientists with more than 100 years experience with ecological and environmental matters that concern our area.

They are all warning us and the government that this is a destructive practice and will have long-term affects on the coastal waters of Baynes Sound. The government totally ignores this study and instead is partially funding a grad student to study the seaweed harvest over the next three years.

These scientists have done this research with no hidden agenda other than concern for the ecology of this area and the impact this harvest will have plus saving the tax payers thousands of dollars in research as a bonus. This government is so uninformed that they do not realize after many reminders from myself and others that environmental studies are done before the damage is done, not after. It’s very simple but the Ministry of Agriculture can’t seem to get it.

I am concerned about our environment and have not even mentioned the well-founded criticism of tracked vehicles on our beaches, diesel fumes, traffic, trucks, trailers destroying vegetation trees and bushes etc., for five months of the year, all without any consultation with residents or any scientific studies. Where is democracy? Not in Deep Bay.

Greg and Norma Boulton

Bowser/Deep Bay

Parksville Qualicum Beach News