The sewage treatment facility in Sechelt B.C. offers a good example of what can be done to both deal with an area's waste water and water shortages, reader states.

The sewage treatment facility in Sechelt B.C. offers a good example of what can be done to both deal with an area's waste water and water shortages, reader states.

Sechelt sewage program makes sense

Colwood resident hopes CRD takes a good look at Sunshine Coats town's treatment example

It is long past time for us to start to look at water as the very valuable renewable resource that it is. Not in the traditional sense that water is truly renewable in the natural way that nature provides, but rather as a closed cycle within our own use-and-reuse grasp.

As the space program has proven, potable water derived from human waste is a really valuable resource where closed cycling of this precious commodity is essential. This same essence is available to us in a form of certain types of waste water treatment that create reusable water by relatively simple techniques.

In Europe, where one country’s waste stream into a river is another country’s potable water source, it is evident that closed-cycle water reuse is a really viable solution to water shortages.

I am not an expert on water reuse technology, but the waste water treatment system in Sechelt B.C. seems to have all the critical elements and the right answers to the treatment dilemma that is bedevilling the Capital Regional District.

The Sechelt treatment plant is across the street from a very nice residential area, and from what I understand, its presence has actually increased the property values of homes in the area. It is a really nice sight, a great big greenhouse with lush plants growing and not a whisper of malodour.

Not surprisingly, the plant is based on European waste water treatment technology. There is no smell and the effluent water could be used for many non-potable requirements.

Hopefully, the newly provincially-mandated committee of experts dealing with the CRD project will consider the Sechelt system as a viable solution to two issues, waste treatment and water shortages. It seems the politically hog-tied CRD waste water treatment steering group could not see this simple solution if they tripped over it in broad daylight.

And to think some people think that municipal amalgamation would be a good thing, just look at the multi-million dollar debacle of the CRD sewage treatment plan. It is ludicrous for me to believe that our local politicians have the knowledge and experience to plan anything, much less a multi-billion dollar albatross.

Bruce Morrison,

P.Eng. (retired)


Goldstream News Gazette