Hugs and slugs

Second Wave Hugs & Slugs: Stay calm, be kind

Hugs: Huge Hugs for Harriet Pollock for the 35 years of participation this lady gave to the Theatre Community of Cranbrook. Wow Wow Wow! What a selfless thing to do and 35 years is a long time. Congratulations to you!

Hugs: Huge Hugs for Harriet Pollock for the 35 years of participation this lady gave to the Theatre Community of Cranbrook. Wow Wow Wow! What a selfless thing to do and 35 years is a long time. Congratulations to you!

Hugs: Big hugs to North Star Vet clinic and Dr. Denise for their understanding and compassion while dealing with the loss of our dog Sophie.

Hugs: To the Marysville Pub for great food and service and serious attention to sanitization! Thanks from a satisfied customer.

Hugs: Hugs to Larry Miller of the Royal Canadian Legion for keeping the memories of our fallen soldiers alive in our hearts. The respect he has shown by honouring their memory and his diligent work to obtained the headstones for our soldiers. This gift has provided our community with the ability to see, never forget, and always remember.

Slugs: Big slug to the person who found and kept my 6 year old grand daughter’s wallet at Bulk Barn on Nov. 27. It wasn’t yours….you had no right to keep it!

Hugs: Big hugs to the 3 staff members of The Bedroom who gave us such great customer service on the purchase of a new mattress during your Black Friday Sale. Thank you.

Hugs: Grateful hugs to all those involved in making the new grey mountain range wall mural art on the building on 9th Avenue by the Cranbrook Arches. We love it!!!

Hugs: A huge THANK YOU to the kind gentleman who so graciously paid for my purchase when he saw I was having trouble with my credit card. Kudos to you, and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Hugs: To the young woman in Creston who took the time to document her Covid-19 illness so well, in order to educate people to follow Covid guidelines. Thank you for caring about all of us. This is very real and we all need to take it seriously in order to keep our beautiful, very special corner of this province safe. Be kind, be calm, be safe (Dr. Bonnie Henry)…and be informed.

Hugs: To Corey Bullock from the Townsman for her articles on Farm Life. That is the first thing we turn to when we get the paper. We like to know what the pigs and pooches are doing.

Hugs: To the lady at the Dairy Queen drive through on the evening of Nov 30 ahead of us driving a Malibu SS. When we pulled up to the window to pay for our meal, we were told our meal was paid for already by the lady in front of us! Your awesome spirit was a very heart felt surprise in these crazy times and yes, as the saying goes…pay it forward! We paid for the customer behind us, and as we looked back at the line up, we hoped the cheer continued! Hugs to you and your warm heart for brightening our day and maybe many more down that drive through line!

Hugs: A big Hug to everyone who has been decorating trees in the Community Forest.

Hugs: To Peter Warland. What a pleasure to see your column in the paper again. We have missed you! May you live long and prosper!

Hugs: To all the young men in town who use their strength to help out the seniors and women. It warmed my heart to read about them. They probably just take it for granted but it doesn’t go unnoticed. Many men have been stepping in to help others, with both their strength and big hearts. Look around you…chivalry is not dead in Cranbrook.

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Cranbrook Townsman