Secret voting in the house essential

Bob Conibear got it right in his Dec. 7 letter, on how parliament actually works.

Bob Conibear got it right in his Dec. 7 letter, on how parliament actually works.

The only way to correct that is secret voting in the house. The prime minister and party leaders can present a view in the house but even the PM can vote against it; no one will know. This would be the greatest step toward democracy.

Case in point: W. Littlechild in Alberta taken to court for voting with the government after the required number of electors signed a petition to have him vote against a proposed government’s bill.

It went to the Supreme Court of Alberta and the ruling was “once elected a member is no longer responsible to his electorate but to the PARTY who sponsored him”.

The time it takes from receiving your ballot, to marking your X, and putting it in the box; is the extent of your democracy.

This could all be corrected with secret voting in the house.


John A. Mc Donald


Cowichan Valley Citizen