‘Seemingly relentless devastation of biosphere’ causes grief

Dear editor,

I can't state it any better than George Monbiot did on the Sunday Edition.

Dear editor,

I can’t state it any better than George Monbiot did on the Sunday Edition.

At this moment, this highly cultured, sophisticated, wonderful nation (of Canada) seems to be descending into a thuggish petro-state which appears to be governed by the tar patch, and its politics seem to suffer from the oil curse, as so many countries suffer from when they have found big reserves of fossil fuels.

And wildlife has suffered greatly as a result, natural resources of all kinds are suffering greatly, and so are those who love nature.

It’s almost as if Canada is ripping up its most precious natural assets in exchange for assets which won’t last long and which can only cause harm.

Mr. Jangula, that the “thugs” appear in the form of pretty women who sip organic drinks and drive a Prius makes me very sad.

We are living in a land which is being hit by cascading losses. At times I feel overwhelming grief at the seemingly relentless devastation of the biosphere.

Please think a little harder about you believe, Mr. Jangula.

You used to be a police officer and I assume in that role you needed to look at evidence. Perhaps it is time to look at the evidence again.

You are in a position of power and therefore you have a responsibility to listen to more than the special interests of the oil barons.

Shirley Wade-Linton,



Comox Valley Record