Seems more like theft, to me

GD#6 has her “L” driver’s license. She is taking driving lessons, but my job is to take her on the trials runs.

GD#6 has her “L” driver’s license. She is taking driving lessons, but my job is to take her on the trials runs. She actually does very well. I am the problem.

This is not a new game for me. I rode shotgun (many years ago) for all our sons when they were in the learning driver stage. They didn’t complain when I “put on” imaginary brakes (I think my right leg is still stiff) but they were upset when I gasped. My nerves were younger then.

I try very hard not to give GD advice, that’s a professional instructor’s job, and I don’t gasp, but I do find myself gripping the door every time we go around a corner.


While our attention has been on the provincial election, the Harper government has been up to some sleazies. While Defense Minister Minister Peter MacKay is spending  mazillions of dollars on war machines, travel, whatever he pleases, veterans of the war in Afghanistan are having to sue the government to get a just settlement for their war-inflicted injuries.

Then there are the three senators who collected thousands of dollars for living expenses they weren’t entitled to. Wouldn’t that be theft for anyone else? Or doesn’t it count if it’s just taxpayers being diddled? True, the trio have to pay the money back, but Mike Duffy seems to think he’s a hero because he did it voluntarily. Wow.


This could be the last summer in B.C. for the Mars water bombers. The huge aircraft have been putting out wildfires in this province for 53 years, but according to reports from Victoria news media, because the historic aircraft also have contracts in the U.S., the provincial government decided they need a more consistent service to supplement our firefighting.

Let’s hope this won’t be a case of not knowing what we’ve got ‘til it’s gone.

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian, and book author.

Williams Lake Tribune