Selective memory

Resident challenges North Okanagan-Shuswap MP on comments

Each year in November, lest we forget becomes the operative phrase.

Sadly, as little as three months later, readers have been smacked in the face (eyeballs) by our obviously forgetful new MP, Mel Arnold.

In an article entitled, “MP demands focus on terror” one reads that “According to Arnold, there is a need for the government to take every action possible to eliminate the root cause of the madness and violence that has ravaged Syria and Iraq.”

Well said.

It is now 13 years since the American invasion that was the root cause of the madness and violence that, ever since, has ravaged Syria and Iraq, not to mention Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen and other countries in that region.

Or perhaps it is a mistake to believe the American government attacked, destroyed, and occupied Iraq in an attempt to steal the Iraqi people’s oil?

There aren’t, in 2016, too many folks left who still believe the Bush/Cheney/Wolfowitz fairy tale that Iraq threatened us with weapons of mass destruction.

Does our MP?

How soon some of us, selectively, seem to forget.

Jerry Reitman


Vernon Morning Star