Selfless volunteers deserve recognition

Dear Editor

I was very pleased to see the letter in your paper seeking nominations for this year’s Flowerdew and Arnason Awards [Honour volunteers, Jan. 28 Opinion, Langley Advance].

As a previous nominee, I know what an honour it is to be nominated for such a prestigious award.  As an active volunteer in our community, I also know firsthand the number of volunteers required to make any event successful and in Langley, our volunteer base is incredible and I’ve had the privilege of working with many of them.

I also know, there are a lot of people whose names could be brought forward to be recognized for their volunteerism in the Township of Langley.  I encourage everyone to take some time out of their schedules to put together a nomination package to recognize the dedicated volunteer or volunteer duo they know for one of these two awards.

Deadline is Feb. 12 and the nomination application is online on the TOL website.

Michael Jackstien, Langley



Langley Advance