Selfless volunteers draw praise

Terrace Search and Rescue members deserve to be noted for their dedication and caring for others

Dear Sir:

On September 8, I traveled north to Oweegee Lake, Kilometre 235 on Highway 37.

I traveled there to be with the DaSilva family whose son Justin has been missing since the morning of Sept. 7.

He and a friend capsized and Justin didn’t get to shore with his friend. When I arrived at the lake, around 5 p.m.,  the SAR (Search and Rescue) were on the lake searching for the body using high tech equipment that enables them to see below the surface of the water, the RCMP were underwater in scuba gear. Evidently they had been on the lake since early morning. This was the second day of the search.

Soon after my arrival Dave Jephson from the Terrace Search and Rescue water rescue team arrived and the SAR, four in total, came ashore to check in with him. Dave received an update on the search and told them that he wanted the boat back in the water until dusk.

He then asked the four, “are you guys good to go?” to which one replied, “Hey, I’m on strike,” while the other said, “I’m on vacation.”

I was struck by the selflessness of the search and rescue team.

Dave continually thanked me for coming to be with the family and yet here are these volunteer members of the search and rescue team, giving generously of their time for the welfare of others.

The Christian message is one of overcoming selfishness and living the great commandment of love. I witnessed great love and dedication at.

“Greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13.

Father Terry Brock,

Terrace, B.C

Terrace Standard