Send a letter this Christmas

letter to the editor from Margaret Houben - Send a letter this Christmas

To the editor;

Letter-writing can be traced back to a time when handwritten letters were the most common form of communication.  Way back before the invention of the telegraph, the typewriter and the computer, handwritten letters were both an art form and an essential part of everyday business.

There were even books printed about letter writing.  Books offering advice on the etiquette involved, on how to improve one’s penmanship and even books on how to analyze handwriting to learn about a person’s character.

Etiquette books are particularly interesting, as many will give examples of sample letters to write for every occasion.  One such book, originally printed in 1808, is the Universal Letter Writer which includes interesting topics such as how to properly issue a challenge for a duel…. it makes for very interesting reading.  This book is still available as a ‘reprint’ of the original and will shortly be available through the local library.

National Letter Writing Day is held on Dec. 7, which is appropriate, especially as Christmas is still one time of year when people do write letters, or at least Christmas cards.  Getting your letters off by Dec. 7 means they should, mostly, reach their destinations in time for the holiday.

While many people today just send texts or emails, some of us still like to send and receive a handwritten letter.

Take a little bit of time and send off a few letters this year, who knows, you just may enjoy it enough to start sending letters more often.

Margaret Houben

Barriere, B.C.



Barriere Star Journal