Send Alberta oil by pipe, not by train

The Kinder Morgan pipeline has been in existence for approximately 60 years with no major spill

Editor, The Times:

The Kinder Morgan pipeline has been in existence for approximately 60 years with no major spill during this time.

Millions of litres of petroleum products have been safely transported through this line. I believe this is the only safe way to move them.

There is an old saying: If there is a demand for a particular product, a way will be found to get the product to market. Today, millions of litres of petroleum products are being moved through Kamloops to Vancouver via the Fraser Canyon.

The safety record of trains in North America is anything but stellar.

It is not a matter of “if” there will be a major spill, but “when.”

And, when this happens, the devastation to the Fraser River will be nothing short of catastrophic.

E.A. Stratichuk


Kamloops, B.C.



Clearwater Times