Send strong 'no' message on new services

Send strong ‘no’ message on new services

This is supposedly to enable the CVRD to do the job that we are already paying them very well to do.

Send strong ‘no’ message on new services

We, the taxpayers, of the Cowichan Valley, are being asked to vote on a referendum on Oct. 20 to approve new taxes.

This is supposedly to enable the CVRD to do the job that we are already paying them very well to do.

We are being given the usual line that we shouldn’t be concerned as it’s only a small amount but as we all know with taxes, they only increase every year.

I suggest that we send a strong message to our elected representatives that we expect them to do their jobs with the taxes that we already pay them and if they feel they can’t do that then they should institute cost reductions at city hall to allow them to do so.

If you agree with not wanting any new taxes vote NO on Oct. 20.

Barry Dixon


Cowichan Valley Citizen