Senior students could handle design

NANAIMO – Re: Brand design no job for children, Letters, Feb. 9.

To the Editor,

Re: Brand design no job for children, Letters, Feb. 9.

Chris Vaughan Griffiths is wrong when he claims the design of the Nanaimo school district logo could only have been left to professionals.

His sarcastic remarks about colouring contests make it obvious that he limits his ideas to elementary schools.

What about students taking media and design courses in our high schools?

They are fully capable of producing press- and web-ready art in different sizes and for different functions.

This would have been an excellent practical opportunity for them and would have saved the school district a significant amount of money.

Instead, for $24,000 we have a salmon in pastel colours representing ‘diversity.’

The design is uninspired and uninspiring. I have no doubt our students could have done better.

Gregory Roscow


Nanaimo News Bulletin