Senior thankful for Ombudsperson

Dear editor,
I am writing as a senior who is married to an even older senior.

Dear editor,I am writing as a senior who is married to an even older senior.I want to say “thank you” to the provincial government for having Kim Carter as our Ombudsperson. She and her researchers have done excellent work with their report The Best of Care: Getting it Right for Seniors in British Columbia, (Part 2).Kim Carter and two of her staff, Bruce Ronayne and Carly Hyman, recently came to our SOS (Support Our Seniors) Comox Valley meeting and gave a PowerPoint presentation on their report. All at the meeting applauded every single one of the recommendations in the report and hope that the Ministry of Health and the government will oversee the implementation of them.   I want to urge that you renew Kim Carter’s term as Ombudsperson since we are very lucky indeed to have such an experienced and skilled person in that  important role. The staff in that department should also be augmented as needed, since their work is of the highest order.Our SOS group is submitting a whole report to the provincial government, but I wanted to add my voice individually since it is an opportunity for me to say something  positive about the provincial  government!Gwyn Frayne,Courtenay

Comox Valley Record