Seniors’ Column

The Nakusp and District Museum is home to over 6,000 artifacts representing various aspects of early life on the Arrow Lakes.

Marilyn Boxwell

The Nakusp and District Museum is home to over 6,000 artifacts representing various aspects of early life on the Arrow Lakes.

A series of well-designed displays are presented, each with its own unique theme. Over the next few weeks the themes which will be highlighted in the Seniors’ Column a few at a time, will serve to introduce visitors and residents alike to the proud history of our area, beginning with the fascinating story of The Flood.

The Rise of the Lake Level

Look left to the museum’s front entrance and the opening of the story of the construction of Keenlyside Dam north of Castlegar in 1968. It was the time when the subsequent flooding of the valley bottoms was to take place. In fact, the risk of the lake level caused the rearrangement of the Village of Nakusp itself, and its waterfront.

Note that there is now an 80ft. Rise and fall which takes place every year, within the Lake!

Port of Nakusp

Opposite the flood story exhibit, you will see a scale model of the SS Minto along with pictures of Mel LaRue, the designer and builder. Look below and you can see a picture of the sternwheelers’ Viking funeral!

Royalty Display

Further along you are treated to a view of Royalty, featuring Queen Victoria’s era. Below this is a collection of memorabilia. Feel free to pick up, flip through and enjoy this exhibit.

Hot Springs Exhibit

Along the far wall is featured the Nakusp, St. Leon’s and Halcyon Hot Springs for which our area is well known. The Albanian court robes draped within the display case were brought here by General Burnham — they were a gift from the King of Albania in recognition of Burnham’s service during the Balkan war.




Next week, we’ll begin exploring aspects of Nakusp’s domestic, business and educational life. The Nakusp and District Museum is open to the public during the months of June to August, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and during September, from 11a.m. to 3p.m. Group, as well as school tours can also be arranged. Call 250-265-0015 for details.


Arrow Lakes News