Senior’s Column

An estimated more than 1.3 million residents of British Columbia will, by the year 2030, be over the age of 65.

An estimated more than 1.3 million residents of British Columbia will, by the year 2030, be over the age of 65. This would be about aquarter of this province’s population.

Together with this, those who keep track of such statistics tell us that today’s seniors enjoy an increased level of life expectancy, andgenerally are in better health than ever before. We are more physically active and also involved within groups and various communityactivities. In addition, more helpful and current information is also more readily available which is a decided asset when making activitychoices.

What all this adds up to, is that living a healthy lifestyle as well as remaining active is the key to success. The various decisions we makeeach day directly or indirectly affect how one ages. Only about 30 per cent of the way we age can be explained by genetics and biology. Inthe long run we can actually expect to be able to reduce the risk of chronic disease and disability by doing what we can to stay physicallyactive. Add to this, a goal of choosing to eat a healthy diet, living smoke-free, taking precautions aimed at reducing falls and relatedactivities, and then overall choosing to remain socially engaged.

There are numerous ways in which we can stay active and at the same time give back to our communities. Older persons can frequentlydiscover the joy of working as a volunteer in support of a wide range of non-profit organizations. In some cases one can choose to return toemployment on a part-time basis if and when the opportunity arises. We are reminded the skills and experience which older volunteers haveto share are highly valued within most communities.

The older we get, the more concerned we tend to be about our overall health, so getting active and remaining so can help support anindependent lifestyle, which is a goal for most of us. Some of the major benefits include improving our mood and mental health as well asthe prime opportunity to develop new friendships and the discovery of new hobbies, which can give us a renewed sense of purpose andaccomplishments.

Try connecting with the BC Physical Activity Line, a service where qualified exercise professionals strive to provide us with custom physicalactivity plans which meet our needs. For more information regarding this opportunity, call (toll free) 1-877-725-1149 or


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