Seniors’ Column

I thought it would be a good idea to review the regulations governing the use of electronic communication devices.

Marilyn Boxwell

With family members starting to arrive from various parts of our province to spend precious time with their aging loved ones here at home, I thought it would be a good idea to review the regulations governing the use of electronic communication devices which may have been installed in one’s vehicle.

As of January 2010 a B.C. law was passed stating that a driver may not operate, view or hold hand-held cellphones or other electronic devices, as well as entertainment units such as a television screen. Specifically, one may not send or read emails and/or text from a PDA, BlackBerry or cellphones.

Furthermore, one may not operate or hold hand-held music or portable gaming devices such as MP3 players or iPods. We are advised not to program or adjust GPS systems, whether they are built into the vehicle or not, while driving. Note that settings must be programmed before one takes over the wheel.

So what is permissible?

You can use hands-free cellphones that are voice activated or are activated by one touch provided the unit is securely attached to the vehicle or the driver’s body, such as an earpiece.

In the event of an emergency arising, you can dial 911 from a hand held cellphone. But note drivers who  are associated with the Graduated Licensing Program (new drivers) are not permitted to use hands free devices of any kind other than to dial 911 in the event of an emergency. Any violation of the law will net drivers a stiff fine along with losing points which are then added to one’s record.

The public is being warned by law enforcement representatives and members of the insurance industry that the latest statistics show it is unsafe to to drive on B.C. roads and at the same time use an electronic device, which can draw attention away from being able to drive safely.

For more information on this subject, contact ICBC or a local insurance company representative.


Arrow Lakes News