Seniors denied dignity

Little seems to have changed since the deaths of Fannie and Al Albo in 2006

I watched Global news this evening and was dismayed and shocked to see that the Interior Health Authority is once again hurting seniors and using the excuse of red tape and policy to excuse their inhumanity.

When the policies and inflexibility of the people in Trail hospital came to light in the wake of the death of my parents, Fannie and Al Albo in 2006, our family was promised by the politicians, the health authority and the local hospital that this would never happen again. Yet, just six years later, the same scene is playing out in Penticton and the inflexibility of IHA is again in the forefront.

When the Campbell government gutted the health system and pulled out resources in the Interior, they were well aware of the end result. Separated and disassociated seniors.

Campbell is gone, Abbott has a different ministry, the head of IHA retired, the people on the firing line who were responsible for patient care may be gone, and so we have to begin all over again. IHA can use the same excuses and blame a whole new crew of people, and in the end seniors who are in their most vulnerable state die without the dignity and care that our society should be providing.

Jerome Albo





Penticton Western News