Seniors deserve free ride on ferries

Just how does B.C. Ferries expect seniors to suddenly come up with the money to pay for ferry fare increases?

To the Editor,

Re: Ferries need watchful board, Editorial, Nov. 26.

Just how does B.C. Ferries expect seniors to suddenly come up with the money to pay for ferry fare increases to attend ongoing medical appointments, visit family and do their shopping?

Why are Islanders discriminated against when roads and services in other rural and northern properties are heavily subsidized?

Too bad the government seems unable to extend its business model to island communities, small businesses and real estate that have been decimated by ferry fare increases.

Sorry, but the conservative fend-for-yourself private model is a colossal short-sighted disaster that benefits the wealthy and gives free licence to corporations to govern our lives so they can maintain their profits – whatever the cost.

We need a change of government provincially and federally that protects Canadian people’s rights, resources, dignity, small businesses, health, safety and individual economic stability before it’s too late.

Karen HodgsonGabriola Island

Nanaimo News Bulletin