Seniors swim, too

Why do toddlers have dedicated time in the pool and we don't?

Most seniors are not marathon swimmers, but have learned to swim in their younger years.

After the article asking residents views on programs at the Ravensong pool, I have spoken with dozens of people.

Since the major demographic group in this area is seniors, and I myself am one, we are disappointed to find there is no time allotted specifically for a senior swim.

We would so much enjoy swimming lengths, at our own pace and to be able to change quietly in the dressing room, without young children running around and screaming as they are made to shower.

A total of 15 hours over five weekdays mornings is a huge amount of time allotted to parents and tots.

In a meeting at the pool with town officials, I asked: why do teens get a teen swim on the program, when seniors who are in the largest demographic group, get no seniors only swim time at all?”

The answer was: “teens get only one hour once a week.” So what does this say for us seniors, who have no mention on the present program?

It is important for us to keep strong, and in the best of health possible as we age.

We find it difficult to understand why we are not considered in the program, and ask that we be allowed a senior swim time for one hour at least, two mornings a week.

Julie Hicks


Qualicum Beach



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