Sensible compromise

Resident says there must be a balance between employment and the environment

In a perfect world we could have our cake and eat it too.

On one page of the Nov. 11 Morning Star is Scott Anderson taking issue with panhandlers on our streets. I agree with him, it is a problem which needs attention. I also agree that panhandlers are not necessarily homeless people. They should be considered as two separate groups.

On another page is another barrage of complaints about the new pellet plant in Lavington, one of the few industries that’s been able to push through the mountains of bureaucracy and restrictions and set up to provide some good solid jobs for people.

It is just possible that jobs of this kind might get one or two homeless or desperate people off the street.

We can’t have it both ways.

Environmental matters are important and should be part of our conscience about the world. They should not, however, be used as a nearly complete impediment to the good of the country or the right and ability of our people to make a living.

We need a sensible compromise here rather than alarm and panic.

I lived next to a pig farm for several years, and even though I didn’t appreciate the smell at times, and it may not have done my health any good, I nonetheless felt that I was in no position to interfere with my neighbor’s ability to make a living.

There are not enough jobs to go around the country, and it is a virtual certainty that there won’t be as long as restrictive attitudes prevail.

Cam Clayton



Vernon Morning Star