Servers do training, work hard for wages

Regarding Linda MacGillivray’s response to the issue at the Vines Lounge at the Delta Grand Hotel.

To the editor:

Regarding Linda MacGillivray’s response to the issue at the Vines Lounge at the Delta Grand Hotel.

I’ve been in the hospitality business for 40 years, retired now for 20 years. So, yes, we have come a long way from “dusting ‘em off and tanking’em up again.”

But I strongly feel we are going from one extreme to the next. And, yes, I too had to take theServe It Right course and agree it had its merits.

But please! Where do we stop and start holding a so-called adult responsible for his or her own actions? What’s next? Refusing an obese person a calorie-rich meal?

He or she could have a heart attack and cause a major accident—my fault?

If I buy a house I can ill-afford and therefore have to declare bankruptcy, is it the real estate agent’s fault?

I think we’ve reached the point to say enough already. You want to be treated as an adult, please act like one or be responsible for your own actions if you don’t.

And for looking down your nose at the wait staff at the Delta, or anywhere else, let me tell you there is no other job that I know of where one, after some time, becomes a confidant, marriage counselor and sounding board for life’s general problems. We do it all cheerfully and with a happy smile, even for minimum wages.

Can you say the same?

Happy to have been of service.

Frieda Pivon,


Kelowna Capital News