Service club a special place

Penticton Fraternal Order of Eagles is a vibrant and fun place to go on any given day of the week

Recently I had a surprising invitation to a long service and awards presentation, followed by an outstanding gourmet dinner. It was hosted by the Fraternal Order of Eagles, which is a “give until it hurts” in the pocketbook organization more commonly identified by the initials FOE. Now that’s an oxymoron if ever there was one, because in this social club, friend and foe are one and the same, as any member can attest to.

I can honestly bare witness that service clubs are the best places to unwind from the daily grind and socialize with some extremely interesting and humourous individuals, and at the same time generate funds and support for the people in need. That being the most important part of the agenda. If you do not leave with a feel-good feeling and that you accomplished something, then one of our more seasoned members will pick up on your problem and put you on the right track.

Incidentally, the Penticton FOE branch was launched in 1991 by a wee Scot by the name of Dave Smith, a very down-to-earth person who, through no fault of his own, will never see eye to eye with any of the membership unless he stands on a milk crate.

Smith and fellow charter members were able to put together a solid cast of players and most importantly volunteers, who to this day maintain an ongoing vibrant and fun place to go on any given day of the week. Experience it with an open invitation. Someone will sign you in, as requested by the B.C. government LCB. Then you can be the judge.

If one were to run the credits of the volunteers who make this possible, it would run longer than the movie itself. Thank you Dave and crew, from all of us, for this wonderful success story.

Andy Homan





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