Service should come before salaries

Perhaps, Greyhound, you might wish to look at all the waste and excess before cutting service levels

In response to William J. Titheridge and with all due respect to him, although I am not a fan of his city’s mayor, I find I must come to the mayor’s defence (how ghastly!). How dare you, William, assume that the mayor has never rode on nor knows anything about Greyhound and its service or lack thereof?

The mayor may be out of touch with the community he represents, but surely he is no idle, big talking, silver-spoon-in-mouth wastrel? I am sure that even the lightly esteemed mayor may actually have plunked down hard cash or soft credit for a ticket on that luxurious dream ride, the Greyhound.

To be fair, I have little or no complaints about Greyhound aside from having to wait in a cold terminal in Vancouver for the bus to arrive (about an hour or so), but let me assure you readers, William and Greyhound, that there are people who apparently have very good cause to complain about the lack of service on Greyhound, about the antiquated and breaking down buses that are in use.

There are apparently lots of reasons to complain, whether or not Greyhound is actually aware of them, and although the company may not have in the past come “hat in hand” begging for help, it doesn’t excuse them doing so now and more so threatening the public with a removal of service if the government doesn’t play ball.

I’ve already advised Greyhound of their crime against this community, though I don’t think they noticed my message. Anyway, enough piling on the poor, overworked and overpaid mayor of Penticton. Stop doing that people, you should be kind to politicians, even if the politicians don’t seem to deserve your kindness.

Perhaps, Greyhound, you might wish to look at all the waste and excess in your own backyard before crawling on hands and knees to beg for a boon from the mayor etc.?  How about selling all the monitors and radios that you no longer use on your intercity trips? Putting in comfortable older chairs in place of the present ones? Getting your CEOs to accept a 10 per cent salary cut so that the money can be put to better use than filling the coffers of unimaginative and greedy executives?

Patrick Longworth


Okanagan Falls



Penticton Western News