SEWAGE IN THE CRD: Letters: Dilution may still be the solution, Oak Bay man says

Washington beaches not getting polluted, reader writes

My hometown of Glasgow, Scotland has been dealing with sewage treatment issues for quite some time, but having at one time a thriving ship building industry, the city fathers looked outwards and away from landfill.

A compartmentalized vessel, whose nickname I will not repeat here, made regular trips out into the Atlantic ocean and by opening the bottom of the compartments one by one, helped the fishing industry.

This debate has been ongoing locally now for eight years. I did walk against Christopher Causton for the Oak Bay mayor’s job in 2008, with a view to appointing myself to the CRD, teaming up with Vic Derman and killing the premier’s tourist scheme.

However, I did not get the job, meantime board members are fattening retirement incomes with constant indecision.

Nothing wrong with the present system, but the pollies have “fouled up” one more time.

B.C. is not polluting the beaches of Washington state. I owned property at Point Roberts, Wash. for 40-odd years plus have had extensive business travel in Washington state for several years.

We also have expensive cruise ships for a ferry service that is out of hand.

Where is Wacky Bennett when we really need him?

Ronald Telfer

Oak Bay

Goldstream News Gazette