SEWAGE IN THE CRD Letters: Looking for reasons for sewage treatment

Resident wants to find out more details about Halifax treatment scenario

Thanks for taking on this complicated, political issue. I look forward to reading each article as it is published.

I feel that your analysis will not be complete without taking a step back and addressing what is really driving this process. I have been following all the events and decisions over the years and have yet to hear why we are actually going down this road. If there is a scientific or engineering foundation, then let’s see it. Or is it all politics as so many have suspected? No wonder the whole process has a bad smell to it.

Scientific studies seem to be in lock step, concluding that our current system is not contributing significantly to harming the local ocean environment. Well known and respected people such as retired Victoria MP David Anderson are questioning why we are not approaching the federal government for a reassessment of our “high risk” designation. He is by far not the first to ask this question – why have those who are at the helm of this project not provided an answer to the public?

Where is the analysis of the potential impact on the environment of installing and operating these treatment plants? I have yet to see it, and wonder how all the construction, energy consumption, pumping of sludge and disposal of waste will stand up against what is the status quo.

Your analysis of the Halifax solution was of interest, but you fail to make it relevant. It would have been more compelling if you had chosen a location with similar characteristics to those we have here in Victoria, rather than simply focus on another Canadian city that happens to be located on the ocean. Then your analysis could have included the behaviour of the waters where the sewage was being dumped, along with a comparison of environmental impacts.

Ironically, the fouling of the harbour that Halifax experienced would not be solved here by any sewage treatment process, as our infrequent beach closures result from failing storm sewer infrastructure. If you include other locations that have faced similar challenges to us as part of your analysis, please choose ones that we can actually relate to due to their similar circumstances.

I urge you to do the research that seems to be sadly lacking thus far, and provide the public with all the facts.

Jim Trick


Goldstream News Gazette