Sexual orientation not a barrier within United Church of Canada

In 1988 the United Church of Canada decided that a person’s sexual orientation was not a barrier to their full participation and membership.

Dear Editor:

Congratulations on your new opinion column, From Here. I look forward to reading it regularly.

I want to address the impression given by Rob Murphy, that implied that all Christians have a negative view of the LGBTQ community.

In 1988 the United Church of Canada (UCC) decided that a person’s sexual orientation was not a barrier to their full participation and membership in the United Church of Canada. This opened the door to ordination and commissioning of LGBTQ people in our church and we have been blessed by their leadership.

In 2004 the UCC asked for and received intervener status before the Supreme Court of Canada and spoke in favour of marriage equality for same gender couples.

In light of the Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling, which paved the way the legalization of same gender marriages, Summerland United Church has implemented a policy which welcomes same gender couples to have their weddings at our church or have the minister preside at the wedding in a different location.

In 2012 the UCC elected Rev. Gary Paterson as the Moderator of our church. The moderator is the highest elected position in our denomination and the person serves a three year term. It just so happens that Rev. Paterson is a gay man.

This summer the UCC elected a new moderator to serve our church. She is Rev. Jordan Cantwell, and just like the doctor that Mr. Murphy talks about meeting in his piece, Rev. Cantwell just happens to be a lesbian.

The United Church of Canada and the congregation of Summerland United Church seek to be a community where all people, regardless of their sexual orientation are valued and welcomed.

Hopefully this letter helps to dispel the notion that all Christians view members of the LGBTQ community negatively because that is not the case.

Rev. Armand Houle

Summerland United Church



Summerland Review