Shame on you, help the homeless

Thank-you for printing her letter and reminding me of the numerous good things resulting from aiding the homeless, helpless and sick.

Recent letter writer Penny Bhanji (“Homeless camping,” The NEWS, March 29) is welcome to her opinion. Thank-you for printing her letter and reminding me of the numerous good things resulting from aiding the homeless, helpless, sick and assorted with whom we cohabit.

Not the least of which is the satisfaction and happiness people enjoy when they help someone or witness other’s lives improving because every so often, collectively we get something right.

Space does not permit such detail to be entered here, however, if this were a majority position, I would simply look most people in the eye and say “shame on you.”

I suppose that if I felt put upon or threatened by these unfortunates, I could simply buy a big field in the countryside, build a big house and live happily ever after.

As it is, I’ll just take my chances with the general public and millionaires who reside in Parksville Qualicum Beach while counting my lucky stars that they’re pretty good folks.

Donald R. ClineParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News