Shocked even having tweeting talk

Time council got back to some real issues about local government

Editor, The News:

Re: ‘Don’t tweet while meeting’ (The News, Oct. 25).

I’m not exactly sure which I find sillier, the fact that an elected official thinks it should be okay to tweet or post to Facebook during council meetings, or that this news publication felt this was a story worthy of the front page.

When council meets, whether it’s in public or private, it is functioning in the same way any corporation, or other type of official organization, functions and should follow the same rules and protocols.

The mayor and councillors, as well as any administrator or municipal  employee present, should not be fiddling with their cellphones, tablets or laptops in any way other than perhaps taking notes or viewing pertinent documents.

Even high school students get in trouble, or at least should, for tweeting or messaging on their phones during class.

I’m shocked that we would even be having this conversation in the media, and, once again, I implore our elected officials to get back to the real business of running our community and paying attention to the job at hand.

If you want to tweet or Facebook from council chambers, then wait until you’re back sitting in the public gallery again with the rest of us.

Morgan Jensen

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News