
Did you know $25 worth of loonies, in a roll, weighs 170 grams and did you know $24 worth of loonies weighs 160 grams? I didn’t.

Did you know $25 worth of loonies, in a roll, weighs 170 grams and did you know $24 worth of loonies weighs 160 grams? I didn’t. My reason for bringing this to your attention is that twice now I have  been shortchanged at a bank. The first time, I handed over my $100 for four rolls of loonies at the bank and only received $99 worth. One roll was shorted a loonie. I just happened to be waiting for the teller to finish up my transactions and had lined up the four rolls, and one looked different.  Sure enough, after the teller recounting the roll, it held only $24 worth of loonies. The teller topped up the roll for me. I left the bank happy.

Well, it happened again, different bank, but this time, paying $100 I only received $98.00 worth of loonies. Two rolls were short a loonie each.

I also know that I am but a little fish in the scheme of things.  What I need to do is get the word out, not just in Parksville/Qualicum, but Canada-wide. I would like to tell “the people” to start counting their rolls they get from the banks they deal with.

Sheila L. LloydQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News