A letter writer questions the value of a pedestrian overpass joining Rosemary Heights and Winter Crescent.

A letter writer questions the value of a pedestrian overpass joining Rosemary Heights and Winter Crescent.

Should have been passed over


My brother and me were discussing the new lighted walkway across Highway 99


My brother and me were discussing how after many months of admiring the new lighted walkway across Highway 99, we seem to have missed one fact – both of us have never seen a single person on the walkway.

Both of us drive under the Pioneer Cycling and Pedestrian Overpass at least twice a day… not one person.

Is this just another bureaucratic bungle or use of taxpayers’ funds?

I understand $3.2 million was spent on this.

Man, what a nice walkway from Crescent Beach to White Rock beach to be used by thousands could have possibly been built with these funds.

Grant Christianson, Surrey



Peace Arch News