Show educational

After reading the letter by Carole Wheeler it becomes apparent that she did not attend the presentation of the exotic animals

After reading the letter by Carole Wheeler it becomes apparent that she did not attend the presentation of the exotic animals or she would have seen that it was not a sideshow display of wild animals but an educational presentation.

As each animal was brought to our attention we were told where their natural habitat was, how many (approx.) there were in the wild, and other interesting facts about each.

Also, these were animals that had been rescued from situations that could have proved fatal, they weren’t just captured in the wild and put into captivity.

At the end of the presentation the audience was asked to do their part to help keep these animals and others like them from extinction.  And, yes, there is always the remote chance of an escape just like a circus or zoo, but I’m sure the staff are very aware of this.

What does the letter writer think of the presentation by Stuart Brown at the Vernon Museum with his python and lizards?

I think, like the children at the museum, the kids at the IPE left with a better understanding of some of the more exotic species.

Donna Calver




Vernon Morning Star