Show some common courtesy, please

Early Sunday morning my husband and I were walking our German shepherd, which we do every day around the new fields in Aldergrove


Early Sunday morning, Sept. 16, my husband and I were walking our German shepherd, which we do every day around the new fields in Aldergrove and have been doing for many years.

We saw a woman walking a gold labradoodle (or something like that) coming towards us so my husband made our dog walk to the left side of him which is the proper way to handle your dog and I moved behind him so this person could walk to the right of us and neither dog has to meet. We have walked by many dogs and owners and they all get it. Instead, this woman put her dog to the right and kept walking right at us, causing my husband to have to go into the extremely wet grass. When I made a comment to her about how ignorant that was (and no, I didn’t say it very nice), she had the nerve to start letting us know how she had her dog under control and I suppose due to the fact that she made my husband walk into the grass she did. Also that we were what’s wrong with the world.

I’d like to let her know that maybe had she not had her nose so far up in the air, she would have realized her ignorance and realized its her and her type that’s wrong with the world. Start showing some common courtesy.

Corrina Patenaude, Aldergrove

Aldergrove Star