Sick and tired of the rhetoric

Letter writer disappointed with rhetoric from Kerry Cook, Donna Barnett, and Dick Harris regarding rejection of New Prosperity Mine.


I am very disappointed with the recent inflammatory rhetoric from Kerry Cook, Donna Barnett, and Dick Harris regarding the federal government’s rejection of the Fish Lake open pit mine.

Their positions are so un-nuanced that one would think that they represented Taseko Mines Ltd. rather than an electorate. I’m speaking of irresponsible phrases like “taking food out of the mouths of children” and “we won’t take ‘no’ for an answer?” These might be expected from right-wing commentators but not elected representatives.

Only those who are social and environmental dinosaurs would want to dig up a unique and irreplaceable 70-million-year-old resource as soon as possible rather than save it for future generations when it will be worth far more, thereby allowing mitigative measures that can’t be imagined now.

New Prosperity is so fraught with environmental and social risks that the most industry-friendly federal government we’ve had in decades has rejected two permit applications in a row. That should send a strong signal to even the most uninformed among us.

Patrick Teti

Williams Lake


Williams Lake Tribune