Letter-writer D. Adams says she has never based her vote on which candidate has the most election signs.

Letter-writer D. Adams says she has never based her vote on which candidate has the most election signs.

Signs aplenty of something amiss


Let me start by saying, I am very thankful for the right to vote.


Let me start by saying, I am very thankful for the right to vote. I want to thank all the candidates and volunteers for their time put towards each campaign.

But is it necessary to pollute the boulevards of South Surrey with campaign signs?

It’s absolutely disgusting the number of signs between the South Surrey Athletic Parks as well as the 152 Street boulevard by Semiahmoo Shopping Centre.

I have never based my vote on who has the most signs. To be honest with you, if there was a strong independent candidate who used minimal number of signs, he or she would be receiving my vote.

Gordie, Susan and Elizabeth, you should be ashamed for letting your teams pollute our community.

D. Adams, Surrey



Peace Arch News