Police escorted rallying boarders in 2010 to a meeting with White Rock’s mayor in an effort to change city bylaws.

Police escorted rallying boarders in 2010 to a meeting with White Rock’s mayor in an effort to change city bylaws.

Singling out boarders is unfair


I support the possibility that White Rock city council take another look at the skateboarding Bylaw 1529-45.


I support the possibility that White Rock city council take another look at the skateboarding Bylaw 1529-45 that states: “No person shall skateboard upon any street, boulevard or sidewalk within the shown plan…”

Instead of penalizing kids for skateboarding, I believe more focus should be placed on safety precautions, i.e. helmet and staying off the busiest roads of White Rock.

Skateboarding is a healthy activity, much like scootering, cycling, rollerblading, all which are legal. Doesn’t it seem unfair that if I was longboarding with  friends on scooters, bicycles and rollerblades, I would be the only one committing a crime?

Skateboarding and longboarding is keeping a large number of kids in the White Rock/South Surrey area healthy and active.

Another great place to skateboard with a large skateboarding community is North Vancouver, which has changed its bylaw focusing more on education and the use of safety equipment instead of banning skateboarding altogether.

I would just like to say skateboarding is not made up of a bunch of rebellious youth. My friends and I do well in school and participate in other sports and hope to be positive citizens in our community.

Elliot Jamieson, Grade 6, White Rock



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