Site C dam not needed

Hydro project full of negatives, sure to plunge BC Hydro into bankruptcy

To the editor:

This is an open letter to Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett and Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett.

I would like to express my opposition to the Site C dam proposal.

First, at an estimated $9 billion, the dam would be extremely costly.

This is when BC Hydro’s debt, at roughly $18 billion, is already huge and growing. BC Hydro is also hiding billions of dollars of expenses in deferral accounts.

In addition, BC Hydro now owes over $56 billion for contracted power from independent power projects. I’d say BC Hydro is heading for bankruptcy.

The Site C dam would flood land that could be used for agriculture. Recent drought in California means we should be growing more food in British Columbia.

B.C. doesn’t need the power from Site C. Demand for electricity has not been growing. LNG export, which would use a lot of power, does not look likely.

B.C.’s total provincial debt is growing enormously. Site C would add to that. Site C would cause our BC Hydro rates to go up even faster.

To sum up, Site C would push BC Hydro deeper into perilous debt, increase hydro rates, flood agricultural land, all for un-needed power.

I am not automatically opposed to all industrial development. I’m in favour of projects and industries, which make sense for B.C. in the long term.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this important issue.

Hugh Thomas

100 Mile House

100 Mile House Free Press