Site C project needs to go

Site C project needs to go



Site C project needs to go

Almost every day, we demonstrate our love for our planet Earth and beautiful B.C., which are being destroyed by machines and our B.C. budget going further in debt to pay the mammoth project building Cite C dam, which is not wanted by anyone!

Site C had no social contract (Common Ground, June 2017).

Politics no longer gains: “Site C dam faces political hurdles” TC 170602.

Work is proceeding on the Site C hydro dam, but for how much longer?

Although the B.C. Liberal Party promoted the project, “The New Democrats want Site C to be reviewed while the Green Party wants it cancelled.” TC 170606

“Site C Project will boost your BC Hydro bill”, South Cowichan Echo 1701

“Hydro must pay for environmental damage” Re: “Site C dame sediment deemed threat to fish stocks,” April 18, TC 170421

“Liberal intent on keeping legacy dam” TC 170608 and “Site C dam helps economy, Clark say” TC 170420

Nobody cares, but all the whole nation is building alternate energy — solar, wind — projects while our beautiful province is being destroyed and going deeper in debt. We can switch to building solar sites in our our towns and cities. Contact the Viridian in Duncan.

Helga Lambrecht

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen