Slow down on 198 Street detour route, resident urges drivers

Editor: The closure of 200 Street in the City of Langley, I agree, is necessary. But the consequence of it has been challenging.

They have directed traffic to 198 Street — a quiet neighbourhood, and completely residential. The traffic is ridiculous.

Most drivers, to their credit, do the 30 km/h limit.

But there is that 10 per cent of yahoos who travel down the street at speeds as high as 80 to even 90 km/h.

So they put in a speed bump. Wonderful — it did the trick.

The City took it out less than 24 hours later, claiming it was not legal. Back to square one, and speeders are still ripping past our house.

People, please slow down.

Clayton Randle,

Langley City

Langley Times