Slow sand more sensible filtration method

Dear editor,

I attended most of the public meetings re. the proposed water treatment to be undertaken, and was very surprised to read that they have decided on the direct treatment as the method of filtration, especially with the estimated cost to implement this methodology at over $100 million.

The treatment I expected to hear about was slow sand filtration, and the estimate to implement this method was under $50 million. At least that was what was discussed at the meetings. While not being the most modern of methods, we were told that because they had lots of land to work with, it would by far be the most cost-effective.

Perhaps, like the South Sewer Project, the golden parachute the regional district wants to drop over us, this one is scheduled to defeat as well.

The pricey solution is not always the best solution.

Paul Ellegood






Comox Valley Record