At one of the public meetings, a transportation official admitted that with the growth in traffic intensity on Highway 97, a light would be needed at Stickle Road within about five years, thus $10 million later, and a huge waste of land on either side for acceleration and deceleration lanes.
Has anyone noticed how difficult it is getting into and out of the Vernon Square mall on to and off of Highway 97, and also at the traffic lights at 35th, 32nd, and 25th avenues, southbound, especially?
What is actually happening is that the traffic is being rushed into the city, and then is piling up at these traffic lights.
If there was a lower speed limit from the truck weigh station on Highway 97 north, and then traffic calming (via round-about or control light) at Stickle Road, the increasing piling up rate inside the city, and hazards at Stickle Rd would both be reduced.
This would be much less costly in lives, dollars and patience.
Vern Polotikis