People were upset about vandalism, bad dog owners, tree cutting, thieves, hunting, bullies and sidewalk sand this week.

People were upset about vandalism, bad dog owners, tree cutting, thieves, hunting, bullies and sidewalk sand this week.

Slugs beat hugs once again

SLUGS: Slugs to the city managers who believe every tree that becomes stately must be removed.

HUGS: Big hugs and thanks to the many dog owners on upper Howe Street who keep their dogs in their yards and respect those around them. You are a good example to the less responsible dog owners in the area.


SLUGS: To the person who came onto my Upper Balfour Road property and cut up my beautiful sign at the bottom of my driveway. What is this world come to? Why would anyone do such a thing? I’ve reported it to the police. Hope who ever did this is proud.


HUGS: Hugs and high fives to the Nelson Peewee Rep team for hosting the best provincial hockey championship we have had the pleasure of attending. Also, to the city of Nelson for being so hospitable and generous to the hockey playing youth and their families. And to the teams that came from all over BC and the Yukon. You all were outstanding positive citizens. Our future is bright with all the great youth I witnessed at the NDCC over the week in Nelson!


SLUGS: To the dog owner on View Street. Your dog is not friendly. I would like to walk with my family and LEASHED dog past your house without having to worry about our safety. Please be considerate of others and their right to walk safely down public streets. I trust you will do the right thing next time! POO on you…


SLUGS: Slugs to the city managers who believe every tree that becomes stately must be removed.


SLUGS: Huge number of slugs and many snakes to the low life that stole the money from the Red Cross donation jar at the Help Depot Monday, March 17.


HUGS: Warm hugs to the sunny spring days that are finally here.


SLUGS: I would like to give out many huge slugs from our local wildlife!  I am disgusted to hear about a specific hunting guide outfitter being allowed to take people out of his/her “hunting guide area” and into “no hunting guide areas” mainly around Nelson, Kaslo and Trail to specifically slaughter our local bears and mountain lions. Disgusted and appalled at the individual that would allow this to happen in and around our beautiful and loving community! Someone has to ask our local politicians why this slaughter has been taking place for the last three years!  Help get the voice out about this.


SLUGS: Slugs to employers who take off their pink t-shits and let bullying continue in the workplace.


HUGS: Hugs to all the kids who’ve been running around like rascals over spring break. Hugs to the parents who get to send them back to school next week. And huge hugs to our teachers and school staff for welcoming our rascals back.


SLUGS: To the sand left on sidewalks that is more slippery than last winter’s snow.


HUGS: To me.


If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star