Slugs make a comeback, but hugs still win

Slugs make a comeback, but hugs still win

After being shut out last week, slugs reappear in the paper.

SLUGS: To the vehicle drivers in Upper Balfour who do not slow down when there are pedestrians on the road, especially on slushy days.  A little empathy and courtesy would be appreciated.


HUGS: To the vehicle drivers in Upper Balfour who do slow down when there are pedestrians on the road, especially on slushy days.


HUGS: Giant hugs to workers for their calmness and patience when dealing with people during bottle drives. You’re awesome!


HUGS: Hugs to the sweet young woman from a local high school who gave our old dog such sweet love and support on her final day. Your kindness touched my husband, at a heartbreaking time, and we are grateful for your sweetness. Keep shining bright, young one, you will be a beacon for all around you. Thank you.


SLUGS: Slugs to the “careless person” that chose to throw away their residential garbage at Grohman Park and  cause mayhem with us dog-walkers (and hibernating bears warming up to the temperatures).


HUGS: Hugs to conservation officers who went out of their way to contact me and pinpoint the location of the “offense.”  And as an aside:  who would have built a fire right in the parking lot at Grohman and cooked food and left the bones and residue?


HUGS: To the vehicle drivers that known how to use their signal lights and are smart enough to clean the snow off their vehicles before they drive. To the rest, Slugs.


HUGS: Huge hugs again this year to whoever sets the cross-country ski track on the rail trail from Mountain Station toward Cottonwood Lake. You make it such a pleasure to use the trail, and I bless you every time I ski there.


HUGS: Hugs to the local manager who greets everyone with a smile and is always courteous, helpful and knowledgeable. He goes the extra mile to ensure a positive experience for every client he deals with.  In today’s stressed and hurried world, this quality is often lost. Sir, your warmth and kindness is much appreciated. You exemplify the gold standard of customer service.


HUGS: Hugs out to the kind engineers of trains that go on the tracks behind our house.  For the last two years they have been waving back every day to our two-year-old son as he waves from our back window.  The waves (and odd toot or ringing of the bell) are something he looks forward to every day.  We will be moving soon and we know that he will miss you!


HUGS: Huge hugs to everyone who stopped to make sure all was ok after I slid off the highway between Kaslo and Nelson. I was touched by how many people stopped to ensure help was on the way, or to see if they could help themselves. We live in a community of Good Samaritans!


If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star