Slugs rise to beat out hugs

There appears to be a lot of negativity in the Nelson area this week.

SLUGS: To the local business that chooses to advertise their events on Baker Street lamp posts and trees. They are not bulletin boards! What would Baker Street look like if everybody chose to advertise like you are? Use the bulletin boards like others do.

HUGS: To the truck driver who pulled over on Highway 3 to talk on his cellphone rather than talking and driving. We need more responsible drivers like you.

HUGS: To the nice woman and her husband.  After cutting through their property from a cold air mattress float down Slocan River from Perry’s Siding, she gave my niece and I towels and drove us to our vehicle at the Winlaw bridge.  To all, please tell any novice “tubers” you know to take paddles and make sure your floatation device gets you off the water so when the weather turns, you aren’t frozen from the temperature and stranded for hours, or having to trespass to freedom.

SLUGS: Big slimy slugs to those who keep leaving “free stuff” by the transformer station at Six Mile. After rain and dew it becomes litter. Take your excess stuff to second hand stores in town or wait until Trash to Treasure Day. This kind of garbage along our roadsides makes our beautiful region look like a third world country!

SLUGS: To the persons unknown — for your information the Six Mile Substation on the North Shore is not a garbage dump. There are recycling centers and a transfer station in Balfour, or didn’t you know? —  Disgusted with your behaviour

SLUGS: To the clerk at a certain store who displayed contempt towards a customer for using a coupon. I totally get that working retail can be difficult at times, and that computerized cash registers can make discounts and refunds a pain in the butt. But to belittle a paying customer for wanting to save some money, even if it is only a few dollars, is not cool. Do you know that person’s story? Were they laid off from their job? Do they have family to take care of? Those few extra dollars may make a bigger difference than you realize.

HUGS: Big hugs to the kind gentleman that brought members of our picket line fruit and cookies on Monday. Your thoughtfulness and kindness gave us a huge boost of confidence. We remember you from your June visit to the picket line when you made each of us a whistle.  Thank you.  You have a big heart.

SLUGS: To the couple who left a local restaurant Tuesday evening and got into their vehicle and drove away after consuming a lot of wine among other drinks! Shame on you. You are old enough to know better! You’re the reason I worry driving home at night after work! I didn’t have time to get your license plate or I would have called the police to report you! Please stop this and use your brain!

If you have a Hug or a Slug… we’d like to hear it. Simply email us at with your short quips, compliments or complaints. Keep it tasteful and anonymous — no names of individuals or businesses, please. You can also drop by a written submission to our offices at 514 Hall Street.

Nelson Star